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How to make Name List in network marketing | MLM | direct selling | selling

 How to make Name List in network marketing | MLM | direct selling | selling

How to make Name List in network marketing | MLM | direct selling | selling


Hi guys
today I am talk about How to make Name List in network marketing

Before we got any further
so let's get started

If you don't know , what is name list, I will tech you for your knowledge, name list  is a raw material in network marketing, which is the most important thing in network marketing field and also MLM


Name list basically the list of people you know in your life like your friends, family members, cousins, colleague, childhood friends,  relative, neighbours, etc
All this people you know in your life you make a list for all this people and write down with that person name, contact number and address
After you write down contact number name address after doing all this things you categorise all this peoples

A next question is (how to categorise people in name list)
As simple as that, you analysis all your name list prospect using ( M,A,N ) formula .


M. stand for money
A. stand for authority
N. stand for need

If your prospect a man his person have a own money , authority to spend money and also need money.

these three steps to analyse your prospect that is your right prospect to invite your business ,

if your prospect a man
You put your prospect in (A) category
If your prospect have a money and authority but they don't have any need to money he is not your prospect he is (B) category people
And if someone in your list have  no money not authority and also need money he is your (C) category person
So that a secret you categorise ABC in all your contacts in your name list and select only (A) category person because that is your right prospect to invite your business plan and show your product and services ,
We only need (A) category prospect

Golden tips

if you are beginner you don't know how to invite your proper prospect you don't know how to present your business plan, you don't know how to follow up your prospect,
So in this case I suggest you , you don't use your (A) category prospect, because you lose it,
You can use (B,C) category prospect because it's your testing time ,  so that is a secret ,  my advice used only b and c category prospect as a beginner I highly recommend you

I hope  this article can help you what doing business

If you like this article  so please  follow my all l social media accounts and and if you have any question please ask me in comment box in below
share this article with your friends and family and also your team members ..

I hope you become a millionaire in network marketing field , my best wishes for you
Wajahat shaikh

Thanks for coming
How to make Name List in network marketing | MLM | direct selling | selling How to make Name List in network marketing | MLM | direct selling | selling Reviewed by zaheer shaikh on April 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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