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3rd Method | How To Invite Your Prospect In Network Marketing | MLM | Direct Selling


3rd Method | How To Invite Your Prospect In Network Marketing | MLM |  Direct Selling

Hello guys

I hope you'll be fine

Today i,m talking about method no 3
Which is called indirect approach
So as you know  we'll learn 1st and 2nd method for as a beginner and intermediate networker

We have goal to become a (Professional Networker) / (pro-networker)

After using 1st and 2nd method for inviting prospect you aslo doing mistake and tast  bad experiences

Now it's time take next Step for advance level (indirect approach)

Basically indirectly approach means
You not to invite your prospect directly infact your prospect telling you please show your plan ... Yeah absolutely ...

( You tell them your prospect )
I need your help , if you know somebody who's talented same like you and his person need a part time work not a jobs

For example

Hey John.                        Hey Eric
Bro how're you.              I,m good and you.
Fine fine.                           Ohh that's good 
Listen John                   yeah
I need your help.           Ok tell me which type       
                                             of help.
I have brilliant business
/ Work as a part time
And its paid high volume
Are you knowing some-
body who's talented           tell me
same like you and                which type work his person need a                 / job
part time work not
a jobs so please tell me
Dear i can't tell you on            ok ok can i do
phone call you meet                 this work
i briefly explain which
type of work
Why not
You absolutely do
This work
You do one thing
You coming my house.            Ok ok but tell
I'll show you my business.       Me little bit info-
Plan ok.                                           rmation...    
Dear i,m busy also busy
In this moment that's why.      Ok tell me bro
I,m  telling you ok.                       When i come?
8am o'clock in my house.         Ok done
Ok done bye.                                      Bye
It's very easy , how simple is that
So guys practice this method  , i tell you this is a process make sure you don't copy same as a tis ,

Golden Tips 

remember your customer / prospect ask you ( what's your business ) when his ask you , you tell them time and meet them
So guys if you like this important information
Please like this article and commented
Thanks for coming
Bye bye
3rd Method | How To Invite Your Prospect In Network Marketing | MLM | Direct Selling 3rd Method | How To Invite Your Prospect In Network Marketing | MLM |  Direct Selling Reviewed by zaheer shaikh on March 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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