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How To Invite Your Prospest in Network Marketing 2019

How To Invite Your Prospest



lots of people ask me this question, lots of times
they say how I invite my prospect professionally, it's important to think for all Networker because it's your first impression with your prospect
and as you know, the first  impression  is the last  impression 
so today I, ll teach you, how you can invite your to prospect professionally

(impotant notice)

today I, ll teach you same invitation process, not an invitation easy you learn
and you apply same to same your prospect, you don't copy same  to same you just follow all the  process/ patties,

before I telling the method same important thing you should follow

1. don't invite your prospect face too face, because if you invite your prospect face 2 face he asking lot of questions

if you ans him, they again in again asking the question because you don't briefly explain your products/services

and you can't explain your plan, products, service because your 1st step is to inviting your prospect not to present your

business plan, products/service in the first meeting . so the question is that how I can invite you prospect ???
ans is very simply you can use your call phone for inviting your prospect


as you bigneeer, you can follow simply formula which is called (S.S.S)
(S.S.S) means Simple > short > sanspens .

1.  its means your invitation must be simply don't use the complex word, like that,s opportunity change your life etc etc

2.  short > your conversation mix to max 45 to 50 seconds, because if you still keep contacting your prospect
ask you lot of question and you tell them ans

3.  sanspens >  you sew your, excitement, joy, other words you show your sanspens for your prospect
so that is a process, you can follow this process during the invitation
allows remember

( you don't tell him any kind of information related, products/service, plan, earning, company name etc etc
your work only inviting your prospect not a presenting the plan )

For Example

You                                                                                                         Prospect

Hey jone                                                                                                 hey

how are you,                                                                                          fine bro and you...

i,m gud i calling you for important conversation                                  yeah yeah tell me what's

bro, I have a great business opportunity                                               ohh what's the business
do you need extra part-time money

bro i need your help.                                                              tell me litty bit ???

if you re free today you coming my                                       ok when i come?
home I'll show you.

okay, today we ll meet ok.                                                     ok done.

Bye                                                                                                   Bye

that is a simple and easy invitation


if your prospect asking you again question you think what you can do simple you tell them
bro I,m busy at this moment you coming to my house or hotel, etc I'll show you my business


1. please follow my process  don't copy the same as a this

2. always invite your prospect on phone call not face too face

3. you use (S.S.S) formula during invation your prospect

4. your prospect asked you lot of question so you don't tell them ans, you convince your prospect to meet you.

5. don't tell them all business plan, products/service information in a phone call this is your biggest mistake

your 1st step is you invite them not a present the business plan etc

so, gays, this is 1st method to invite your prospect I have more methods to inviting your prospect if
you wanna knowing so please comment in the below
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How To Invite Your Prospest in Network Marketing 2019 How To Invite Your Prospest in Network Marketing 2019 Reviewed by zaheer shaikh on March 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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