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How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business

 How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business

How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business

Hi guys

I hope you'll fine

Today i,m talk about How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business

So without any further

let's get started


if you really want to increase your confidence you should change your dressing sense

Because dressing sense is very powerful technique lots of successfully leaders use this technique and i aslo use it

Network marketing is a professional business and if you want to become a professional network are you wearing professional suits like a businessman wearing suits .

because if you do not show yourself like a business man. other person or your prospects not taken seriously your talks your presentation, products and services.

So that's why I tell you, you change your dressing sense you wearing a professional suits

You should not wearing casual suits if you wearing casual suits other person, your prospects and your team take your casually.

You wearing dressing pant/trouser.
and dressing shirt
shirt color must be light colours
Light sky, sky blue colour, white, grey and etc

Like this


your voice tone

In my experience I am introverted person before I am not join network marketing after join network marketing
I knowing your voice tune and expressions show your confidence
I noticed when I go go for my past to present my own business plan when I present my business my voice tone is so low low voice don't show your fear person you are not confident person with your product and service is your business plan your company etc

When I understand this concept I change my voice tone level. I am not saying your voice to level is huge when you present your business plan
no no 

it's a stupid thing. i,m saying your voice tone level in balance. not lower and higher. When June neet your voice is don't hire to use it when you need your voice so nice lower you use it

Lots of people in my team members ask me a question. how I know what's time I used highest and lowest level of voice tone .

it's very simple
    when you talk about other person benefit, like they earn money what's the benefit if they take this plan etc,
     you used little bit higher level of voice tone
  That's show your confidence your beliefs in your company  
Otherwise you use normal voice tone level

Golden tips 

Always remember
    Nobody knows you are powerful man or fair person
    Nobody knows you are rich or poor
    Every person judging you what is the your first impression
  If your first impression very powerful closing is done hundred percent
And first impression is all about how your looks and your voice tone level
You show your personality you are so professional person our field
You show your personality you are so confident person.
you show your personality you believe your product and services, your business plan and company
And i also tell you nobody knows your believe level,  confidence level

I hope this article help yourself to grow your business and team if you like this article please share this article your friends and team members and grow your business I wish you to become millionaire in network marketing business and direct selling business

Thanks for coming
Wajji shaikh

How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business How to increase your confidence in network marketing | Mlm | direct selling and selling business Reviewed by zaheer shaikh on April 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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