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What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business

 What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business

What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business

Hi guys

I hope you'll fine

Today i,m talk about What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business

So without any further

 let's get started

if you want to make money in part time so network market its best option from you to make lots of money in part time

every person start as a part time business but after they make lots of money thay convert part time to full time business

Network marketing it's absolutely your business. you don't require or you don't need any kind of education, gender, money, qualification, skill, course's, Age  etc etc.....

It's except to you, you set your working hours and days

nobady ask you why you are not coming, nobody calling you come from my office because no anyone your boss , you are boss your on work .

Network marketing gives you time freedom, money freedom, tension freedom, stress freedom,

basically never marketing it's all about selling business you sell your product and services with compounding effect method / plan

What is mean network marketing?

If you break this name network and marketing which is two defend things
Network means group of people. If you notice this thing every networker wants make more new friends, and it covered his prospect or team members

and marketing means movement of product it's  B2B business it is not B2C business

If you want to start network marketing business you purchase any network marketing company business plan. After you purchase any business plan you are join in Whose company

When you join in network marketing company your next step you make a team, you build a strong team you take your team because they don't have any kind of knowledge for this business,

 you educat yourself and your team that is your responsibility to take care them, every step, every problem, every situation.

 because your team give you huge revenue your team is your future if you take your team your team take care your generations

But always remember it don't take your team for your selfish reasons you take care team as a senior what are selfish motives

  take care your team like a new born baby your own baby. They don't have any knowledge about this business you're responsibility you educate them

How you can educate your team?
When you educate your own self ..

How you can educate yourself?
 you can read a books,  you attend seminars,  trainings. you always attach your upline and senior leaders

 Ask your seniors leaders how i grow my business and team

When you ask him the briefly explain how you become a successful person

When when when you make a strong team it's time to make huge passive income and revenue

But this is not easy game you can so much hard work, so much sacrifices and so much rejection, after you to pass all of these pain

When you enjoy your success and
 you satisfy your hard work , up you are so confident person you feel yes I am successful person

I hope this article help yourself to grow your business and team if you like this article please share this article your friends and team members and grow your business I wish you to become millionaire in network marketing business and direct selling business

Thanks for coming
Wajji shaikh

What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business What is network marketing | MLM | Direct selling business Reviewed by zaheer shaikh on April 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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